I went on a bucket list trip to Scotland a couple of months ago and absolutely loved every minute of it. So much rich history, beautiful buildings, and interesting stories. While on a ghost walk, we visited GreyFriars Kirkyard. While standing at the entrance, near the GreyFriars Bobby memorial, I turned around to see this plaque on the wall. I was 14 years old when this disaster happened but for whatever reason, I didn't remember the details. After a few google searches and the reading articles about incident and the everlasting effects of this catastrophe, I can only think that my brain has suppressed my recollection because my conscious mind cannot fathom the injustice served up to the people in Bhopal, which continues to this day. While I'm deeply troubled, I am definitely not alone. It seems that the Black Workers’ Conference of the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) was deeply troubled well before I was. In 2014, the STUC unanimously passed a resolution to support the people of Bhopal and their rights to justice. (1)
(1) https://www.hindustantimes.com/bhopal/scottish-workers-back-bhopal-gas-survivors-struggle-for-justice/story-iAXbaop1nu9Q3gzBaz3T8K.html
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